l Navigation and positioning for Fujian LNG Station Trunkline Project Meizhou Bay subsea pipeline laying (Dec,2006)
l Post-survey for BJT Oil and Gas Field Development Project PH DPP-BJT subsea pipeline / cable laying (Nov 4,- Nov 13, 2006)
l Post-survey for BZ34-3/5 pipeline laying(Nov10,2006- Nov20,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ34-1 WHPB jacket installation(Oct26,2006- Nov8,2006)
l Location survey for CNPCKui Dong 101/103Production test platform installation project(Sep12, 2006 -16,2006/ Oct30,2006- Nov3,2006)
l Survey for the temporary ship lift area of PL19-3II WHPA ‘s western zilihao location landscape(Oct25,2006- Oct28,2006)-------CNOOC Oil Base Group Ltd.
l Pre –survey for Fujian LNG Station Trunkline Project Meizhou Bay subsea pipeline route(Sep16,2006- Oct14,2006)
l Survey for the surrounding area of PL19-3II WHPC platform zilihao location landscape(Oct5,2006- Oct8,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for PL19-3II WHPC platform chunking installation(Oct6,2006- Oct15,2006
l Post-survey for PL19-3II WHPA-WHPC MSC installation and laying(Oct6,2006- Oct8,2006)
l Real-time monitoring survey for PL19-3II WHPA-WHPC MSC installation (Sep27,2006-Oct6,2006)
l Pre –survey for PL19-3II RUP jacket installation project(Oct5,2006-Oct8,2006)
l Post-survey for CFD11-6/12-1&12-1S WHPD-WHPE/WHPD-WHPF subsea pipeline / cable Installation(Sep11,- Sep 16, 2006)
l Sounding survey for Tangshan middle ground center harbor channel dredging project(Sep,2006)
l Pre –survey for BZ34-1 WHPB/CEPA jacket installation and tide for Qingdao venue tide(Sep,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for Shanghai Salvage Bureau of Ministry of Communications, Fujian Xiapu Haiwei angle - the North Shuang Island subsea cable laying(Sep,2006-Oct,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for bajiao ting PH DPP-BJT cable Installation(Aug-Sep,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for BJT chunking Installation(Aug,2006)
l Post-survey for Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou 20-2 fairway landing construction projects that involve renovation project pipeline laying(Aug,2006)
l Bathymetric / topographic survey for the terminal of Huanghua Port workboat/ refined oil (Aug,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou 20-2 fairway landing construction projects that involve renovation project pipeline laying(Aug,-Oct,2006)
l Multi-beam survey for Jinzhou Port of Jinzhou 20-2 fairway landing construction projects that involve renovation project pipeline laying and pre-sea pipe trenching(Aug,2006)
l Survey for the surrounding area of PL19-3II WHPA platform zilihao location landscape(Jiy 22,- Jiy 23,2006.)
l Post-survey /survey for BZ25-1 submarine pipeline and Sea landscape(Jiy,2006)
l Multi-beam bathymetric for Huanghua Port project(Jun,2006)
l Survey for Tianjin Harbor Industrial Park Boxi oil and gas pipelines (Jun 8, - Jun 11, 2006)
l Pre / post survey / navigation and positioning forIndonesia KODECO project jacket / sea pipe installation(Apr,2006-Jly,2006)
l Navigation and positioning for bajiao ting jacket installation(Mar, 2006- Apr, 2006)
l Navigation and positioning for PY30-1 DPP jacket installation (Feb,2006 - Apr, 2006)
l Pre-survey for jacket installation of BJT Oil & Gas Field Development Project (Jan, - Feb, 2006)