l         Pre–survey for PY30-1DPP installation and slip into the water area installation(Dec,2007- Jan,2008)

l         Pre–survey for Ledong outer pipeline (KP12-KP107.2) routing(Nov6,2007- Jan8,2008)
l         Pre–survey for the pipeline DF1-1 Log pipeline rehabilitation project(Nov,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Post-survey for JZ21-1 Oil Field Development Project BOP-WHPA subsea pipeline / cable laying(Dec,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for JZ21-1 Oil Field Development Project BOP-WHPA cable repire project(Nov,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Study for DF1-1 pipeline repaired (KP103.53-KP104.53)(Nov,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for DF1-1 Pipeline Repaired Project(Nov,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for BZ34-1SPM-CEPA&CEPA-WHPB&CEPA-2EP pipe trenching(Oct,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for SZ36-1Wind Power Project(Oct,2007- Nov,2007)
l         Detect for concrete near the base plate of CFD1-6 AND SPM single point to the seabed pipeline buried depth detection and location(Oct,2007)
l         Pre–survey for JZ21-1 Oil Field Development Project BOP-WHPA cable laying/routing(Sep26,2007-Oct6,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for BZ34-1 Oil Field Development Project 2EP-CEPA&CEPA-4EP subsea cable laying(Sep25,2007-Oct17,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for JZ21-1 Oil Field Development Project WHPA chunking installation(Sep19,- Sep 26, 2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for SZ36-1CEP-SPM subsea cable laying(Sep16,- Sep 24, 2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for JZ9-3 Oil Field Development Project MDP2-WHPA submarine cable laying (Sep7,- Sep 15, 2007)
l         Post-survey for all the pipeline of CFD11 oil laid (Sep6,- Sep18, 2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for PY30-1 replacement hose connection(Aug,2007- Dec,2007)
l         Bathymetry for the place of regional of WC19-1/15-1/14-3/8-3 WC19-1B jacket installation(Aug5,2007-Aug29,2007)
l         Post-survey for Fujian LNG Meizhou Bay piple pre-trenching(Jly11,2007-Jly18,2007/ Sep22,2007-Oct1,2007)
l         Bathymetry for JZ9-3E WHPA chunking installation(Jly7,2007-Jly28,2007)
l         Tide and survey for the subsea oil pipeline project of Fujian Refining and Ethylene Project’s tide and routing (May27,2007-Jun18,2007)
l         Fujian Fuding Gap door - Yu Island subsea cable laying project(Jun10,2007-Jun22,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for Liuhua FPSO tie-back(Apr7,2007-Jly4,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for XJ23-1DPP jacket and chunking installation(Mar23,2007-May23,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for XJ23-1DPP-SPM MSC laying(Mar16,2007-Apr3,2007)
l         Pre–survey for BZ34-1 pipeline laying routing(Apr24,2007-May17,2007)
l         Pre–survey for SZ36-1 Bohai  oil  field offshore wind power CEP-SPM cable routing(May1,2007-May7,2007)
l         Survey for Real-Time Protection of PL19-3 II(WHPC-RUP/WHPD-RUP/RUP-SYMTII) subsea pipeline laying( Apr,2007)
l         Navigation and positioning for PL19-3 II(WHPC-RUP/WHPD-RUP/RUP-SYMTII) subsea pipeline laying( Apr,2007)
l         Pre–survey for WC19-1/15-1/14-3/8-3 oil field group pipeline routing(Mar2,2007-May4,2007)
l         Pre–survey for PL19-3 II (WHPC-RUP/WHPD-RUP/RUP-SYMTII) subsea pipeline/routing(Feb25,2007-Mar18,2007)
l         Sweep survey for Tianjin Port harbor Industrial Area Phase II of the reclamation project(Jan3,2007- Jan 21,2007)
l         Sweep survey forTianjin Port 100,000 tons level of Taku sand channel project (Jan3,2007- Jan 21,2007)
l         Pre–Multi-beam survey for Fujian LNG Station Trunkline Project Meizhou Bay subsea pipeline trenching(Feb3,2007-Feb16,2007)
l         Pre–survey for xijiang23-1 project DPP platform and DPP-SPM pipeline/ cable(Jan29,2007-Feb7,2007)
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