l Navigation and positioning for The stand pipe support of South Fort 1/3 island jacket installation(Nov,2008-Dec,2008)
l Navigation and positioning for 36 natural gas pipeline post-trenching of Shanghai LNG project (Oct29,2008-Dec14,2008)
l Positioning for the coordinates of the Yuedong oilfield on A platform(Oct,2008)
l Survey for obstacles around WHPA jacket of JZ25-1S (Oct,2008)
l Control Survey for the landing point near JZ25-1 (Oct20,2008- Oct22,2008)
l Topographic survey for foundation treatment of Sinochem Tianjin Petrochemical Storage Co., Ltd. 950,000 m3 storage project (stageI) (Oct17,2008-Nov18,2008)
l Survey for CNPC Offshore Engineering (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. basin and channel construction base Sweep(Oct,2008)
l Post-trenching for raw sewage pipe laying pipelines of Fujian oil refining integration project(Oct,2008)
l Pre–survey for HZ25-3/1 jacket installation and pipe/cable laying(Jly31,2008-Aug4,2008)
l Bathymetric survey for surrounded the sea channel of Tianjin seaside temporary town (Jly,2008)
l Navigation and positioning for Weixinan Oil field power group net project subsea cable laying (Jly,2008)
l Bathymetric survey for A platform extension project of Yuedong oilfield development project(Jun27,2008-Jly4,2008)
l Inner Mongolia's fan and Kentucky installation of measurement and geological drilling projects(Jun3,2008-Jun7,2008)
l JZ25-1BOP-WHPA cable repair scaning project(May27,2008-May30,2008)
l Pre–survey for PL19-3 II WHPE-MT&WHPF&MT&MT-S/N WELL pipeline / cable routing (Mar,2008-Apr,2008)
l Pre–survey for Wenchang 19-1/15-1/14-3/8-3 Oil Field Development Project WC15-1A jacket installation(Feb,2008-Mar,2008)
l Navigation and positioning for Wenchang 19-1/15-1/14-3/8-3 Oil Field Development Project WC14-3A-8-3A&19-1A-19-1B pipeline laying (Jan,2008-Feb,2008)
l Navigation and positioning for Boxi Pipeline repair project (Jan,2008-Feb,2008)