l Bathymetry for NO.2 Terminal of Marine (Dec,2009)
l Survey for the network of Bo Southwest gas supply (Dec,2009)
l Post-survey for PL19-3II DRS pipeline(Nov,2009)
l Survey for PL19-3II WHPE zilihao location landscape(Nov,2009)
l Survey for the side pipeline of SZ36-1CEPK project (Oct,2009)
l Positioning for offshore installation of BZ3-2 tanker mooring systems (Sep,2009-Oct,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for SZ36-1 EDP jacket and chunking installation(Aug,2009-Sep,2009)
l Survey for the area around SZ36-1EDP platform (Aug,2009)
l Detection for PL19-3 WHPC structure of underwater and survey for the surrounding sea pipe (Aug,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ34-1 Oil Field Development Project associated gas pipeline laying (Aug,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for PY4-2/5-1 pipe replacement project (Jly,2009-Aug,2009)
l Pre–survey for BZ34-1 pipe routing(BZ34-1 CEPA to BZ28-2SCEP)(Jly,2009-Aug,2009)
l Survey for the area around PL19-3II WHPF platform zilihao location landscape(Jly,2009)
l BZ26-3 WHPA legs jacket installation(Jly,2009)
l Surveys for the scheme of east coast zone on the liao oilfield sea routing and the earth geophysical prospecting (Jun,2009-Aug,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for JX1-1 Oil Field Development Project pipe laying/trenching(Apr,2009-Dec,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for HZ25-3/1 pipe laying(May,2009 -Jly,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ29-4 Oil Field Development Project BOP jacket installation(May,2009)
l Post-survey for BZ19-4 Oil Field Development Project pipe laid(May,2009)
l Survey for around the BZ28-2S pipe/cable laid(Apr,2009-May,2009)
l Survey for JZ25-1S WHPA jacket elevation(Apr,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for pipe laying of Bohai Southwest gas supply network(Mar,2009-Jly,2009)
l Survey for the cable near the CEPA army of JX1-1 oilfield development project(Mar,2009)
l Pre–survey for QK18-1APP-BZ13-1WHPB pipe routing of Bohai Southwest gas supply network(Mar,2009-Apr,2009)
l Pre–survey for subsea cables of NP1-29 Marine gathering and transportation(Mar,2009-Apr,2009)
l Survey for underwater facilities of JZ25-1 128KM gas pipe across the JZ20-2 oilfield(Mar,2009)
l Pre–survey for LD27-2/32-2 WHPA/PSP jacket installation(Mar,2009)
l Pre–survey for JX1-1WHPB/CEPA jacket installation (Mar,2009)
l Magnetometer Survey and side scan sonar system for Army cable distribution of JX1-1 Army cable across area (Mar,2009-May,2009)
l Pre–survey for JZ25-1S Oil Field Development Project pipe routing(Mar,2009-May,2009)
l NP1-5 existing platform coordinates and orientation, level, concentricity (Apr,2009)
l Survey for Yuedong A1/A2 jacket transition section (Mar,2009-Apr,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ19-4 Oil Field Development Project pipe laying(Mar,2009-May,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ28-2SN Oil Field Development Project WHPA jacket installation (Mar,2009-Apr,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for Ledong 22-1/25-1 gas field development project pipe laying(Feb,2009-May,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for cluster around the BZ28-2S sea oilfield pipe laying/ spool piece/trenching(Feb,2009-Aug,2009)
l Post-survey for PL19-3II pipe/cable laid(RUP-WHPC&RUP-MTII)(Feb,2009)
l Post-survey for BZ28-2S CEP-Changqing single point pipeline repair (Feb,2009)
l Position for cluster around the BZ28-2S sea oilfield pipe laying (Feb,2009-Apr,2009)
l Tianjin dagu underwater navigation channel engineering sediment content waters measurement (multi-beam) (Jan,2009)
l Navigation and positioning for BZ28-2S pipeline shift(Jan,2009-Feb,2009)
l Towing navigation / positioning for BZ28-2S FPSO HYSY102(Jan18,2009-Mar,2009)
l SZ36-1 Shanghai Salvage LD5-2 DPP-SZ36-1 APP Cable Positioning(Jan,2009)
l Pre–survey for BZ Oil Field Group BZ28-2S&BZ28-2S&BZ29-4&BZ19-4 pipe routing(Dec26,2008-Jan25,2009)