PL19-3 oil field is located on the east-south of Bohai Bay and it is 110 mile west to Tianjin port. It is a cooperative project of CNOOC and Phillips. The depth is 28 meters and the storage is anticipated to be approximately 500 million barrels. The phase I include a wellhead platform (WHP), a single point mooring (SPM) and an oil pipeline, a water pipeline and a cable from WHP to SPM.
In the project, CTHME provided the positioning and surveying services including:
1. Pre-survey for the seabed of WHP installation.
2. Navigation & positioning for installation barge, positioning of WHP jacket installation and jacket elevation measurement.
3. Pre-survey for the seabed of SPM installation.
4. Navigation & positioning installation barge, positioning of SPM installation and SPM elevation measurement.
5. Pre-survey of subsea pipeline routes from WHP to SPM.
6. Navigation & positioning for pipeline laying and post-trenching.
7. Post-survey of subsea pipeline laying and trenching from WHP to SPM.