Donghae-1 gas field is located approximately 60 kilometers east to Ulsan city, Korea. Water depth is 152 meters at platform location. Donghae-1 is the first offshore gas project of Korea. The project includes installation of a 6400 t deep water jacket, a 3300 t deck, a living quarter and a flare boom.
In the project, CTHME provided the positioning and surveying services including:
1. Navigation & positioning for 3800t float crane barge Lanjianghao and anchor handing tug (AHT).
2. Navigation & positioning for jacket installation.
3. Level surveying of jacket top.
4. Elevation surveying of jacket.
5. Working field current surveying.
6. Navigation & positioning for ROV for sub-sea working.
7. Level surveying of deck.
8. Services of working field weather forecast.