The Veripos system is One of the three WADGPS system already Widely used on the market. At 76 º N to 76 º S can be obtained between 10cm (95%)location service,.To meet the demand of high precision positioning.
Location service is provided in the following categories: Veripos Apex, Veripos Ultra, Veripos Standard Plus, Veripos Standard, Veripos Glonass。
GPS receiver parameters:
The level of accuracy 10cm(95%)
The vertical accuracy 20cm(95%)
Coordinate reference: ITRF05
Frequency range: 1525-1559MHZ
Standard single frequency difference: Positioning accuracy 1-2 meter Within 1000 km(<3meter Within 2000 km)
Standard differential dual frequency: Positioning accuracy 1-2 meter Within 2000 km
Precision difference: Positioning accuracy: Horizontal position:10-20 centimeter, Vertical position: 15-25 centimeter
Angular rate: 90º / sec max
Global environmental parameters
Operating humidity: MAX 95% No condensation
Storage humidity: < 55%
Input voltage: 85V-264V
Power : 20W