Long baseline acoustic positioning system by the British company Sonardyne (LBL) can satisfy the installation module under water and buildings and ultra high precision underwater positioning.
The system contains
Data Fusion Engine Control system, Transducer 8309, ROVNav5(or 8021)Transmitter and receiver, Compatt6 The underwater transponder.
The function and the parameter
System is composed of distributed on the seabed transponder array,consisting of underwater long baseline array. The ranging accuracy of any in the array of target and the surface shipcan reach 1-2 cm,
Relative positioning accuracy can be up to 5 cm.
Without any depth limit
Have a greater number of channels, For large and complex project in oilfield development, to meet the ship,multi ROV at the same time construction, and Without interference
The only acoustic technology provides USBL compatibleand high-speed data telemetry.
Working depth 3000meters
Serial communication RS485 (Half duplex)
Model Omnidirectional / bidirectional
Weight in air 24kg/26kg
Operating frequency MF(18-36 kHZ)
Transducer Beamshape Omni-Directional/ Directional
Navigation accuracy Better than 15mm
Level-Vertical 187-196dB/190-202(4级)
The receiving threshold 90-120 dB/80-120 dB(Level 7)
Connection mode AGP
Compatt 6 – USBL/ LBL Transponder and Modem
Model 8300-3111/8300-3113/8300-5213
Operating water depth 3000meter/3000 meter /5000或7000 meter
Operating frequency MF(18-36 kHZ)
Transducer Beamshape Omni-Directional/ Directional/ Directional
TransmitSourceLevel 187-196dB(4levels)/190-202dB(4levels)/ 90-202 dB(4levels)
Receive Sensivity 90-120dB(7levels)/80-120 dB(7levels)/80-120 dB(7levels)
Navigation accuracy Better than 15mm
Weight in air 22.8 kg