The PDL data link
Technical parameters:
Interface: RS232 interface, 38400bps (max);
Power supply: 9-16VDC;
Wireless transmission rate: 19200bps, 9600bps, 4800bps;
Error correction: FEC forward error correction, Hamming code;
Frequency control: bandwidth 12.5kHz, ± 2.5ppm stability;
Sensitivity: -116dBm;
Operating temperature: -30 ℃ - +60 ℃;
Storage temperature: -55 ℃ - +85 ℃;
Vibration / impact: ANSI/ASAE EP445;
Package: IEC144/855420 IP66 standard, waterproof, dustproof;
Power: 110W; emission (normal) received 1.9W (normal)
Transport protocol: Transparent, Packet Switched, Digipeater, TRIMTALK;
RF power options: low / high;
The RF transmitter output: 2W/35W;
Volume: 15.8cm * 7cm * 16.7cm long high width;
Weight: 1.34kg;
Data source: the 5 core LEMO#1 interface.