PARTLY CASES HOME >ACHIEVEMENTS>PARTLY CASES BSP T&I Project is located in Champion Field, Brunei, which is located in Eastern part of offshore Brunei. The Field was discovered in 1970 and has been under development, primarily for oil, since 1972. The water depth is about 20-40m. The project includes 1 Jacket installation, 8 topsides installation and other accessories installation. The project is finished by Derrick Barge “Lan Jiang”.

In the project, CTHME coordinates with UTEC Survey Asian Pre. Ltd., successes the following jacket and topside installation collectively:

1.    Anchor operation, navigation & positioning for 3800 Ton Derrick Barge “Lan Jiang” and navigation & positioning for TUG; 
2.    USBL navigation & positioning for ROV subsea geomorphologic pre-survey and post-survey;
3.    Navigation & positioning for Jacket installation;
4.    Level monitoring for Jacket installation;
5.    Elevation observation for Jacket installation;
6.    Final position and azimuth of Jacket observation;
7.    Cutting line survey of Jacket pile legs;
8.    All floors level and elevation survey;
9.    Final position and azimuth of Topside observation.

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